Vote 4 Loyalty

Vote 4 Loyalty

Vote 4 Loyalty

Regular price $20.00 Sale price $15.00

Book Details:

  • Print Length : 287 pages
  • Publication Date : September 24, 2017

There’s a thin line between whose down for you and who’s plotting your downfall. Comforted by the streets, she craved nothing more than to encounter a genuine person who’s capable of being trusted. Virgo is right when it came to this young girl with an imagination filled with impossible dreams. Sadly, that’s all she thought it could ever be, just dreams.
Her life spiraled down a road that allowed her to meet Ghost, falling for his charm the moment she gave him a chance. Once she took his last name, their short-lived thug matrimony was destroyed and it weighed heavily on Loyalty’s heart.
After losing everything, what stood before you was a mentally-ill, suicidal, alcoholic woman, whose soul had been tormented. As fate would have it, Kokaine finessed his presence into Loyalty’s struggled mind and damaged heart. Opening up to him, she’s introduced to a new level of the game she needed. He showed her to quit complaining, fix her crown and boss up. She went from being spoiled, to spoiled – rotten but this time she was on a mission to live without regrets.
She felt the need to be great… like she’s a warrior or surviving legend. She learned that beauty was just an edge and it wasn’t just being a girl with a pretty smile. It’s the struggle and hardship that allows you to embrace being who you are, beautifully broken.
She didn’t exactly know where she was going, but she was headed there anyway! She vouched for herself, and applied pressure to her pain… Meet Loyalty

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